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your gender!
Your current gender is:
A ruffian.
A scoundrel. You used to have a BB gun and slingshot didn't you? And probably used to steal the other kids' lunch money. You probably like to comb your hair back and apply gel to it. Maybe with a leather jacket. You used to try flush Tim down the toilet each week but he never stopped being a maximus dorkus, but don't worry the joke's on him. You get the girl in the end. Of course you won't be tied down by that! Don't forget to always be holding a toothpick. Or was that just greasers? Sorry if we offended you please don't hit us any more.
Be who you truly are
Recent studies show that more and more people are confused about their gender each day. We used to think it was as simple as looking at physiology but now thanks to advances in science and technology, we finally have the answer.
Here at the LGBT Pride Institute we follow the science and have researched through thousands of gender identities, compiling a cutting-edge database that cross-references and categorizes them. We can then use this data to pinpoint your exact gender and take the guess-work out of who you really are!
Click the button above to reveal your current gender. Our convolutional neural network technology allows us to detect your exact gender in real time and will scan until it finds the perfect match for you. No more wondering about who you really are deep down inside and stressing on a daily basis. Let technology do the work for you. Check back on a daily basis to reveal your brand new identity!