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your gender!
Your current gender is:
You aren't like the others.
You identify yourself merely as being different to others. While they struggle to find ever-increasingly complex and unique identities with which to set themselves apart and appear more interesting, you simply assert you're different to them - whatever they may be. You're even different to other otherkins! When they ask what you are tell them they wouldn't understand and tell them to check their thinking because you're not like them and the more they try to understand you, the more offensive it is.
Have you checked YOUR pronouns?
Recent studies show that more and more people are confused about their gender each day. We used to think it was as simple as looking at physiology but now thanks to advances in science and technology, we finally have the answer.
Here at the LGBT Pride Institute we follow the science and have researched through thousands of gender identities, compiling a cutting-edge database that cross-references and categorizes them. We can then use this data to pinpoint your exact gender and take the guess-work out of who you really are!
Click the button above to reveal your current gender. Our convolutional neural network technology allows us to detect your exact gender in real time and will scan until it finds the perfect match for you. No more wondering about who you really are deep down inside and stressing on a daily basis. Let technology do the work for you. Check back on a daily basis to reveal your brand new identity!